Simpson County Baptist Association
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
LinksMinistry and Mission
Resource Links
Evangelistic Links
Three Minute Story The gospel presented in three minutes
The Most Important Thing A testimony based evangelism site where adults of all ages can share their stories of coming to faith in Jesus and a link to their church's website.
Baptism Celebration The purpose of this site is simple—to provide pastors and churches with a resource they can utilize to plan a special evangelistic event called “Baptism Celebration.”
Great Commission Links
Acts 1:8 Challenge is an opportunity for Southern Baptist churches to declare their commitment to a comprehensive missions strategy in their community (Jerusalem), state (Judea), continent (Samaria) and world (ends of the earth).
Answer the Call The greatest message ever given to 228 million lost souls in North America. The Missionary Mobilization Group represents pathways of service to on mission Christians who prayerfully consider answering the call.
Evangelism Response Center The online community for Evangelism Response Center volunteers and leaders.
The International Mission Board (IMB) is the international missions agency of the Southern Baptist Convention.
The North American Mission Board (NAMB) is the domestic missions agency of the Southern Baptist Convention.
On Mission Magazine Online home for ON MISSION Magazine.
Baptist Information, Issues and News Links
Baptist2Baptist Information and Inspiration on Issues of Importance to Southern Baptist life. Baptist Men On Mission (BMEN) are the men of the church taking seriously God’s call to be the husbands, fathers, mentors and churchmen He has charged them to be. Being a godly man is the foundation to being part of the Baptist Men On Mission, because a godly man will be a godly husband, a godly father, and a godly mentor. Blog of Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. He is president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. This site is very timely with a Conservative Christian perspective on current events that effect all of us.
SBC LIFE Journal of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Southern Baptist Convention Official Website of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has over 16 million members who worship in more than 42,000 churches in the United States.
Mississippi Baptist Convention Offical Website of the Mississippi Baptist Convention. More than 2,100 Southern Baptist churches in the state of Mississippi.
Devotion and Bible Study Links
Bible Gateway A reference tool for Bible study.
Oswald Chambers Daily Devotionals to inspire and encourage you in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our Daily Bread Devotionals to inspire and encourage you in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
David Jeremiah Broadcast ministry of David Jeremiah.
Anne Graham Lotz Broadcast ministry of Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of famed evangelist, Billy Graham.
In Touch Broadcast ministry of Charles Stanley, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga.
Insight for Living - the teachings of Charles Swindoll - audio available
Precept Ministries - ministry of Kay Arthur - audio available
Thru the Bible Radio with Dr. J. Vernon McGee - teaching ministry of Dr. J. Vernon McGee - audio available
Financial and Stewardship Links
Church Finance Ministry As a ministry of the North American Mission Board, the Church Finance Ministry provides consulting and financial resources to SBC churches.
Guidestone Financial Services A SBC agency committed to the ministry of protection and retirement resources for SBC ministers and staff.
Crown Financial Ministries - "Teaching People God's Financial Principles" - The ministry of Larry Burkett - Audio available -
Money Matters For Kids - Larry Burkett's Money matters for Kids - Teaching kids to manage God's gifts
Student Ministry or Youth Ministry Links
Code 2 Life A predator safe testimony site with thousands of youth boldly sharing their faith in Christ on the worldwideweb.
Go Students An online magazine for students.
SBC Students A site helping students of all ages to reach other students with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Exit Death An alternative URL, for the Kristo, a flash based evangelism presentation.
Dawson McAllister A site helping students of all ages and youth leaders with biblical and life issues.
Children / Pre-teen Ministry Links
Adventures in Odyssey - live audio of today's broadcast, scripts, news, and other info about the Christian family radio show. Money Matters For Kids - Larry Burkett's Money matters for Kids - Teaching kids to manage God's gifts.
Family Ministry Links
Focus on the Family A response to Dr. James Dobson's concern for the American family.
Mens' and Boys' Ministry Links
ROYAL AMBASSADORS Some important websites for Royal Ambassadors below:
This site provides you with the current RA Planbook, leader tips, and other valuable information for conducting a program of excellence for boys grades 1-6.
This is the official site to purchase royal racers, sailboats, linegliders and other wood crafts for special interest activities for royal ambassadors grades 1-6. Christian Radio / Music Links
Missions Education and Strategy Organizations Links
Royal Ambassadors Home of the Royal Amabassadors mission education strategy for boys.
Womens Missionary Union Home of the Womens Missionary Union.